Tuesday, 19 March 2013

New thinspo

126.6lbs this morning... I really liked it! Almost there!!!

Not eating is getting easier, around will it's hard, he obviously wants to eat and I'm 'fixed' to him ... So happy smiles and eat away with him.

Obviously I still get hungry so I decide... Ok ill go make food myself. I don't have so much of a battle as before which is soooo nice. But I'm loving the weightless. Loving people notice.

Just need skinnier

Check out Diana Melison
Peeerffecccttttttt - wish I was her... Watch her YouTube videos all the time to keep motivated

Hope your all doing ok

-love C


  1. What a beautiful number! *hugs*
    I'm manic on coffee today and feeling great too. A customer told me today that Everytime He Sees Me, I'm Getting Smaller! ... okay, so he doesn't come in THAT often but... literally, my scale wavered between 129.9 and 130.1 this morning as I held my breath! It settled on 130, though. Boo.

    Tomorrow I'll join you in the 120s! Promise! :3

  2. Congratulations! That's awesome. Stay strong (:I know I'm new here, but I've been loving your blog. But I have a question, how did you make it look like this? I've never been on one of these sites so I'm a little confused. Yours is beautiful though.


  3. oh lucky girl >.< hey everybody who read this i'm pro ana and I created a new blog and would be really happy if you check it out :)


  4. Hey guys I'm new here and I need to lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks help

    1. Whenever you get hunger pangs eat ice and run a mile every morning. Also do two hundred jumpingjacks and three hundred crunches everyday

  5. I've just recently started reading your blog, and I just want to tell you sound like you're doing pretty good! I understand that once you reach a certain goal, you're going to come up with a new one, but if you could pick a certain number to jump to, what would your long-tem goal be?

  6. That is a beautiful number* sigh* i wish i were down there but i am at the 140's. I hope i can lose 40 pounds in about 2 months so when i see my cousins at the beach i can wear a new bikini

    P.S i am 5'8 140 pounds and look like a whale in the mirror

  7. i love your blog and noticed we live in same area too :D keep up the amazing weight losses, this number must feel amazing! you are amazing! <3 stay strong flower and i know you can achieve anything xxxx

  8. I love goals and getting closer. But I also see the benefit of having an ultimate goal weight so you'll never give up on losing more and more. You can follow mine laxamiana@Blogspot.com or email me laxamiana@gmail.com and we'll work hard together!

  9. I have a question: I'm an anorexic, but have fallen off the wagon for the past couple of years because my boyfriend caught me, well, I remember when I first started, I had lost a lot of weight really fast, but it had slowed down a lot after a while, I managed to lose 80 lbs pretty fast, but like I said, it took much more after that and that's normal, but I was wondering that since it's been so long, I've gained a lot of weight, if I started to not eat like back to the way I had been before, would I lose a lot really fast again?

  10. Darling I just wanna say you are SUCH an inspiration!!

    I've crept your blog all morning and you have really lost so much weight. I only hope I can be as strong as you are.
    120 anything must feel amazing!

    You're so amazing and I'm so glad I found your blog! ^-^


  11. Hey girls* I'm new and I want to start this thing but I don't know how??* will you help me and give some tips pleaz becous I am fat and I wanne lose it :(

  12. hey I know how hard it is to lose weight, so im here to help you, I sell sibutramine in the brands Jadera and Reduce 15mg

    I'm currently taking jadera and have lost 10 lbs in just 1 week so I know for sure it works, takes away your appetite and ansiety!

    One bottle of Jadera for $23 USD free shipping
    two bottles for $40 USD free shipping

    transaction thru Paypal or cash

    so if you are interested just email me at originaljadera@gmail.com

  13. Wow!!! I just re-appeared after 2 yrs of absence from the ana blog world.... I am so glad to be back ---- I loooove ur blog :) post something again soon! xxoxo, M.
