Monday 18 June 2012 life

So Friday i didnt eat untill the evening around 7.30 when R presented me with half a pizza. NOM! 

friday hangover cure breakfast - Full english then dinner was 3 slices of pizza again. 
Not to mention the burger while in the club and the LARGE big mac meal before the taxi home. 

Then the hangover cure lunch. 
Oh and the x2 crisp sandwiches.

On my period and i put two patches together so im having a major one were everything is 10x worse. Pains, sore booobies :( Everything. 

so im just eating and eating and eating. So hello 4lbs gained. 


Going to eat as little as i can today. Just do a nice cleanse to start again. no food in the house anyway. If im hungry its just tough.

So this morning i was 142lbs

I really hate my life :( 

Just never want to eat again. 

A friend none of us have seen in forever because she just lives with her boyfriend ... and she just turned around and said 'not going to lie, have you put on weight' I was honestly about to punch her in the face. everyone is saying youve lost sooo much weight recently. Stop loosing weight etc and i havent spoken or seen her in MONTHS and she says ive put weight on. She can lick my hairy fucking nine! 

she pissed us all off. 
Just snidey comments. ergh. 

Hate girls like her. She dislikes the fact that were all soo close and have private jokes etc. Not our fault she never comes out anymore. 

I wish though when somebody said i was fat id go purge and stop eating but no. I have to stuff my face. 

Right rant over however much i would like to carry on. 

Stay strong

-Love C



  1. You will get that weight off, no worries.

    As for that so called friend of yours yeah that was rude. She didn't have to say that. Sounded like she was jealous about every boosting about your weight loss since she wanted to point out that you had gained weight. ( she doesn't know you gained 4lbs compared to the weight you have lost, you still look slimmer than before )

    I say that girl is social buddy status. Someone you hang out with once in a while that you know.

    Feel better lady and get focused again. Kick that fat in the ass.

  2. You'll be back on track in no time :p I've been terrible too. I always screw up on my period. It's heck trying to convince myself I don't need that muffin or those fries. Oh well... :p
    That girl is stupid. I dislike people like her who try to put everyone else down because something in their life isn't going the way they want it too :p
    Just forget her.
    And stay strong sweetie <3

  3. Honey email me if you need :) I'm always here.
    My life is shit at the moment too. Too much food, too much stress... thank GOD it'll all be over on Wednesday

  4. Weight quickly gained is always weight quickly lost so don't worry about it :) Plus the fact that you're on your period makes you bloat and gain a little anyway. Don't worry about your friend, like Emma said - people like that only make snarky comments and put others down because something in their life isn't going the way they wanted. Heck, she probably knows that you've lost a tonne of weight and could be jealous. Either way, don't worry about her :)

  5. I know what it feels like to be called fat by a friend or in my case a family member, and you really do just want to slap them. Don't worry you will lose the weight fast enough.
    Stay strong <3
