Tuesday 1 May 2012


Hello everybody. 

I completly forgot to mention i was off to turkey last week, so i havent just neglected you guys, ive been in Turkey, in a bikini, feeling fat and ergh. 

sunbathing by the pool is horrible, R says i look fantastic, but i just look around to other sunbeds and see skinnier girls etc. 

He took one picture of me lying down and the more i look at it the more i hate it. not because i hate my body but you can very clearly see two girls lying down who are 10,0000000times skinnier :( 

Ok so i cant find the picture, i was lucky enough for him not to tweet it or put it on facebook like he has many others!

So it comes at no suprise to tell you that i am ill again.

I gained a ton becuse i wanted comfort food.

At the weekend i went out clubbing with all my friends, they all swear hands down that they think i was drugged as i was fine one minute and the next unable to stand or concentrate on anything. My only girlfriend out with me had to take me to the toilet so i could make myself sick to get whatever was in me out so  a taxi would take me home! (there really fussy especially that its a 40min drive)

So yer i spent the whole of that night vomiting so the next day my throat was swollen and my belly sore, i then got a throat cold with period cramps.

My immune system really is shit!

So i got seven seas immune defence tablets and im going on the liquid master cleanse diet.

Its ment to flush out all of your toxins and help your bladder and kidneys which is great seeing as i keep getting infections in them!

So you have a cup of warm water with a small pinch of salt in the morning when you wake, juice and general liquids in the day (no tea and coffee, even though i may treat myself to a tea for lunch) then for dinner soup as you can have it warm and it will make my body think its having food. And then your meant to have a laxative tea or tablet at bed time. I guess its to flush the toxins out and seeing as you have no food in you to for the poop its the only way to do it.

Of course you have to drink ALOT of water on this diet as everything leaving your body is going to be water.

So wish me luck :)

Fingers crossed im healthier.

its only 3 days.

Stay Strong

-Love C

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