Tuesday 8 May 2012

Binge, Binge, Binge, Binge, Binge and a bit more Binge

Whats wrong with me, why cant i seem to stop. 

I used my period and illness as a reason to eat. I used my tiredness and hangover as an excuse to eat. 

I cannot do this if i want to be skinny. I just need to get to 135lbs in 3 weeks for my holiday. Im only 140 now. Well after thismorning i was 142 but that was after id just eaten 10 flapjacks and a cookie JUST on my short drive home from R's house. 

So this should be possible. 

I saw the Baby food thing. I thought What the hell. Its food, just in small portions and pureed so its easier for my body to digest. 

Im getting all the nutriets i need. so im not starving myself. 

Calories will be relativly normal so i dont see a problem with it. 

I have no money so theres no problem with me going out drinking now and then having chips to fill my drunken belly. 

5lbs in 3 weeks. Seeing as i think 10lb will be impossible as ive been where i am for about a month now! WTF 

Why is the last 10lbs impossible to get rid of! 

You need to have motivation of steel. 

Might lock myslef in a cupboard or something. 

If i didnt have to go to work then i think i could do it. If i laid in bed, went to the gym then got back into bed, i feel like i could go with minimal food. but being at work and getting up and doing something im just eating and eating and eating. 

Even today ive already consumed my 1500cals. 

ERgh im fat, this is why im fat. I should just get fat and enjoy it, my DNA obviously wants me to be fat. 

I have a 20.0ish bmi. i want a 18.5. I just want to have that. 

How can it go down that much with just 10lbs. 

Ive done so well coming from 158 to 140. Please i just want 130. Ill Settle for 132 even. 

Or 135. Just not 140, ive been on it way too long. 

-Love C


  1. We are scarily similar! I've been bingeing and bingeing and bingeing too. It sucks. Put myself back to 143. I need to be back at 136 now! I'm doing the baby food diet. Maybe we can do it together and keep each other on track? :)
    Gabby xxxx

    1. Cant believe im back to 142 when ive been maintaining 139 for soo long! Back to the gym now, I dont have a cold, a kidney infection a holiday or ANYTHING getting in my way.

      Lets do the babything together. Its weird, in Tesco they have a sale basket full and ive always picked them up and had a look, let fact its quite expensive for one has always put me off but now i dont care. The last 10lbs deserve the money spent on them. Do you have an email?
      -Love C xxx

    2. I do indeed have an email, I'm at theblackbook@hotmail.co.uk :) Send me a message to let me know it's you and we can do this together! would be great to have someone to keep me on track and we're such similar stats

  2. I had the last 10 and now I have another 7 on top :/ I can't believe I gained! Urgh. We can do it :) xx
