Tuesday 3 July 2012

Ahhhhhh :))))


im so fricking happy. 

I cant even remeber if ive got down to this weight before? 

This has honestly made my week. 

However Cinema tonight. I MUST refuse the popcorn and diet coke. Water water and more water from now on. 

Was strange as i weighed myself after the gym and was 140 etc
Weighed myself after a few hours as i was STTAAARRRVING and i was 138. 
Then just before bed i jumped on the scales when changing into pj's and i was 137. 

I LOVED it. 

I never would have guessed id be in the 135's i just hope i can stay in it tomorrow. Less would be better. But ive had a tiny pig out at lunch today. Not much but high calorie stuff.

And cinema tonight. Im very busy though. Work, Wax, Then home to change for Stomp Class, Home for quick shower then rush off to the cinema. 
So not much time to eat so fingers crossed! 

so yer, Yesterdays intake. 

Breakfast: Nil pwa
Lunch: Banana, Walkers crisps
Snack: Cucumber, Strawberrriiessss
Dinner: Bowl of weeetooos cereal.

Exercise: 35mins Crosstrailer(elliptical)
5mins Wobble Machine
random floor work.

Looking at it now...no wonder i lost weight! 

-Love C

1 comment:

  1. Ah im so jealous! well done chick :) keep it up x
