Friday 20 July 2012

Addicted to weight loss

I wake up and slowly climb out of bed, Stumble sleepily into the bathroom. 
I do the usual, flush, wash hands and brush teeth. 

Walking back into my bedroom i securly shut my door and lift my t-shirt over my head and let it fall into my washing basket. (Friday, Wash day)
I step onto the scales and stare down wide eyed. 
134.4lbs I slam my head into the wall infront of me. 

I refuse to accept that as its answer. 
I bend down to pick it up, Shake it vigerously and gently place back down. 
I slowly step on, fingers crossed while holding the hair out of my face. 
It cant be....Can it?

I step on again and again and again.
OK. Ill accept that.
I finally feel free, not angry.

How can a number dictate my mood like that. How can i go from banging my head against a wall to relaxed in less than a nano second. That cant be normal. Thats the same as bi polar or schizophrenia.

Surely others dont feel this way about a number on a scale. They must just accept and walk off not thinking too much about it. 

I get dressed, pull the hair tie off my wrist and pull up my hair into an untiedy ponytail and stroll downstairs. 

2 Banana's 1 apple and a yoghurt for lunch. Not forgetting my sugar free energy drink. 

One slip up with a magnum ice cream however. I dont worry to much as i know what will happen when i get home. 

'thank god for being lactose intolerant otherwise i dont think weight loss would be possible for me' 
Tea with normal milk, ice cream, apples, energy drink. 
You can imagine the after effects for me. 

I think ill have a salad when i get home. Prepare it and then sit in the garden reading my book while inhaling on the end of a cigerette. Oh that cigerette how i long for you while im pulling my hair out working overtime at work.
Oh how you shall calm my breathing down and relax me through and through. If anything bad happens i know i can count on you to be there to calm my down. 

Cinema tonight. I dont worry. Im going with parents and they NEVER get any popcorn. and they are concentrating on me now to loose weight. A member or the family on the female side being a size 10. Unheard of. They make me feel so overwieght. They dont take into concideration that im 4-5 inches taller than them. Im sorry im not under 9 stone. If i was i would be dead. 

I say im down to 9.9 and mother just mutter 'just a bit further' She hasnt mentioned what the finish line is. Who said i was doing this for her? This is all for me thank you very much. I will decide when i have reached the finish line and i certainly am not there. I knew i would get to 130 and see im no different and im not. Still a size 10. Not what i want. Size 8 please. Flat belly with skin not fat rolls please. Small thighs please. Concave would be nice. Size 8...Please.

-Love C


  1. I'm so happy for you! But the number dictates my mood too to the point where I want to smash things. That isn't normal and I need to work on that.

  2. Yay!!!!! Congrats. I know what you mean. The scale controls my mood as well. It is hard sometimes to not let it effect me so much but when you put in so much work and you are still staring at that hideously high fat number it can drive one crazy.

    Good luck with reaching a size 8. Uk size 8 is what I am aiming for( US size 4 ) I have never been that small in my life so far. I have to experience it just once.
