Friday 13 July 2012

Small accomplishment

Ergh: 136.2lbs again
so i LOST the 0.2lbs

Tbf i did have TWO chocolate chip muffins at lunch and went to the cinema and had a diet coke so im probably bloated. 

My belly is very large at the moment. 

Also went to the cinema to see Magic Mike. 
And the girls went to Mcdonalds and i had a text mentioning it so i only took £10 with me so I physically couldnt pay for it with my ticket. 

But My friend gave me a few chips and 2 chicken nuggets. 

So i had way over my limit really because of the fat and salt content in mcdonalds even if it is a small amount. So im actually kind of proud. Just need to make sure i stick to this over the weekend as this is were i fuck my life over. 

Right i need to do my make up and leave to go to the post office to collect my High Five ZERO. 

Ill let you know if it works at the gym. 

Then work :( SOoooo busy there at the moment. 

well i hope you all have a great day. 

Stay strong and think skinny. 

-Love C


  1. That's great! Even a small loss is a loss :)
    Oh my... Lol. I don't know if I'd ever be able to see a movie like that. I get weird when people talk about sex and they're my close friends, lol.
    Anyway, I hope your weekend goes well and work doesn't become too stressful ^_^ Take care love <3

    1. Btw, I changed the title of both my blogs so if you wanted to click over and check them out just follow from my profile :) <3

  2. I didn't even know what that movie was until 2 weeks ago. I will wait until it comes to dvd. That channing Tatum. Sexy beast.

    Mickey d's is my drug of choice. I can really go to town on mcdoanlds. I need to stay away from that place.

    Yes let us know how the zero works. I am still trying to decide if to try out the zero or the redline princess energy drinks. I heard they can really pack some power. It even tells you not to drink the whole can.
