Monday 5 March 2012


Miss me?

I was actually back yesterday but i decided to catch up on the weeks worth of blogs! Only read the paragraph thats on my dashboard home page. 

So what i bet your all wondering is if i lost on my skiing holiday burning over 2000cals a day. 

Well i did mention ive been eating like a baby dinosaur the whole time!



i actually wanted to cry. 

So today all ive eaten is:
cucumber Sticks: 10cals
Carrot sticks: 25cals
1/2 can of tomatoe soup:125cals

Went to the gym and burned 322cals

And gues what ... the scales went down to 143! 


the scales must be having a fit or something noway have i lost during the day, wearing clothes AND after doing a ton of exercise when my muscles are all swollen and the water retention. and well everything is in me. 

This has made me feel EVEN better. 

OH also got a payrise at work today, this means that i can stay in my house rather than moving back home with my parents. Which after my holiday with them i NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER want to do. God why do parents suck soo much?

So while i only had contact with Marla while away through email (thank god i had something) Id mentioned to her a new ab workout id found that takes up 7.5minutes of your time and boy does it work your abs.

Thing i love about it though is once your done you can see ab deffinition ... and i still have a belly so to you that dont your sorted! 

So here goes ... its 45 seconds of each of the following: (sorry all the images arent all the same style)

1. Basic Crunch
2. Right oblique Crunch
3. left oblique Crunch 
(Im sure you can figure it out without an image :p)

4. Bicycle Crunch
5. Revers Crunch
6.Long arm crunch (Legs can be flat to the ground)
7. crossover crunch (left elbow to right knee, then right elbow to left knee repeat untill 45seconds are up)
8. half curl (the below picture and then back down to the ground)

9.vertical leg crunch

So yer, enjoy the workout :) 

Stay Strong and Think Thin 


-Love C 


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