Monday 13 February 2012

ABC 30 Day Challenge: Day 8 & 9

Just a quick note, Sorry i didnt post yesterday, i have been really busy and trying to keep up appearances is HARD!

Day 8: 400cals
4 small maryland cookies 100cals
cucumber sandwich on white bread 150cals
Cheesy Wotsits 95cals
Total: 345cals

Question: Three Things you want to say to different People?
To R: I love you, im sorry i cant say it. I guess its something to do with letting people in or something, or maybe im just completly messed up. But i do. I really do.

To J (R's best friend who i dated 3 months before R): Your so insecure, having to try and ruin things between R and i because we didnt work out. Also i want my DVD's back and if you dont ill let R know that you still have all the texts and pictures i sent you ... he wont be happy about that will he and you KNOW all of your friends think your a massive bellend for showing them the pictures already, they will think your on a complete new low with this. Oh and they already think your pathetic for being jealous and being mean to R for actually being nice to me! (even though i could never do that and ruin sombody's life even if they deserve it)

To J (My best friend): Where have you been? I know your serious with your boyfriend, but you were before you broke up for a month and you still made time to see me. In the month you wernt together you spent pretty much every day with me and i helped pick you up and put you back together and make you see things clearly. You then got back together with him and shut not only me out but EVERYONE. We know you have a new job but it doesnt go on that late that you cant stop by my house on your way home (which you have to pass anyway) I miss you and would be really good to tell my best friend about whats going on in my life. Do you even know about R and I? No because you dont reply to texts, phone calls. The only way I know you still think of me as your best friend is when i visit your store and you say ooooo give my best friend here a discount.

Day 9: 500cals
Juice: 300cals
Cucumber Sandwich: 50cals
Salad: 130cals
Total: 480cals

Question: Pet Peeves
People using slang words i.e totes, foreves, nout, lol etc Just say the whole word! How much time are you saving?!?!
Also the toilet seat being left up. It should stay down.

Oh just thought i would let you know Day 7 didnt go as well as planned. I didnt end up having the spaghetti, i went to have dinner with my dad as he had to stay behind while my mum went to visit my nan as he had to work and was going to be eatng alone and i felt really bad. So i had a chinese. I regret to inform you girls that my 30days detox from not purging didnt happen :( I then went out and got drunk and had chips for my walk home! What a disaster. So my weight is now 140.6lbs but i am on my period and im pretty amazed it hasnt gone up more if im honest!

Stay Strong and Think Thin

p.s Sorry abotu the long post.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your low calorie intake for the last two days. Keep it up!

    Stay strong,
