Wednesday 22 February 2012



Why do i weigh less in the morning after swimming and yoga than i do at the gym?

So im giving up bread for lent, I think my body knew this as i had THREE sandwiches yesterday and a random slice of bread and butter! ergh

So no more from now on! 

Im going to be having Ryvita and rice cakes as my alternative, i know it means i can have sandwiches, and the worse thing is i used to have ryvita with light as light philidelphia but when my Lactose Intorlerance got really bad i cant have any dairy (butter is the only thing as I use a tiny amount)

Any of you know other things i can put on it?

Rice cakes have their own flavour, might get some plain and spice them up with vegtables.

So i have 16lbs or 15.6lbs to go whichever way you want to look at it.

So Marla and I have the same amount to loose and a similar timeline, We also have our plan i was talking about, im going to make it a little less like a child has done it when i get a free moment. (day off today and soo much to do)

HAIRCUT TODAY :) Im getting alot cut off, it will still be classed as long but my hair is to the extreme. I want it to sit just below my collar bones!

Back to the timeline weightloss thing. 
32days to loose 16lbs, 3lbs a week....boy this is going to be TOUGH. 
Im ok if its 1.5lbs a week, i just need to be near 130lbs. I just want to be skinny!

 Any of you have a little secret tip on how to make this work?
Open to anything :) 

Stay Strong and Think Thin <3 

-Love C

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