Friday 20 January 2012

Plateau can Lickmynine

So im still 146.6 exactly ... Ive been this weight for 2 days now! Yes i havent been going to the gym, but i dont think ive eaten lots to keep me from loosing or gaining. In the past 20 days i think i have gone over 500 like 3 times! 
Ive decided to try and eat more than i usually do today to try and kick start my body into thinking im eating normal again so had my bowl of cereal - yes it was half the size it usually is (probably more than half the size) but i dont want to go too overboard. Im drinking tomorrow so perhaps i should have done it then?

Any of you know how to get off of plateau? im fed up of not seeing the scales move, even 0.1lbs

Please help me!

Think Thin


1 comment:

  1. sorry im in the same boat =( were close in height and weight actually! im just hoping that as long as i keep working out my body will burn up the fat even if my intake is low...
